This event will focus on Indigenous languages, and the cosmovisions and epistemologies attached to those languages, as modes of what Gerald Vizenor has coined as “survivance”. We will expand our conceptualizations of language to include aspects of cultural literacy as well as broader discursive forms of revitalization and resistance. Further, we will stress the importance of narrative sovereignty as a key component to self-determination [community identity and autonomy] and claims to political and territorial sovereignty.
The 18th Session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
NGO Parallel Event
Thursday, 21 March Friday, 26 April 2019 — 1:15-2:45 p.m.
Secretariat Building – Board Room 1520 United Nations Headquarters, New York City
Bettina Escauriza(Habitat Pro Association, New York)
Ayar (Jason) Pang(Youth of Natawran Community & Hualien City Government)
Sachem HawkStorm(Schaghticoke Nation)
Ron Lameman(International Indian Treaty Council)
Keira Anderson